What the hell is digital business?

A sneak peak into my upcoming book

Leon Eckervall


If you had told me that I’ll be writing a book two years Ago about digital business, I’d have laughed in your face. Me, a health, safety and environment consultant writing compliance documentation . No way José.

But here I am, two years later putting circa 1000 words down per day and going to the target of finishing my book “What the hell is digital business”. As a visionary it is always a struggle to finish the big things.

This will be my biggest challenge yet.

So here comes a sneak peak into my book

1. How did we end up digital?

Ever wondered why we ended up here of all places? Through historical perspective I examine the last 200 years of society through what drivers that pushed human invention further. A economy driven by food, land, work, knowledge to attention.

How did world war 2 effect the world power supply? Or why did Sony spends billions on making blu-ray the standard instead of HD-DVD? It’s true that history repeats itself.

2. Top digital paradigms today and tomorrow

Even though this is a chapter that tweaked at least every 3 months it’s important to look at what is actually effecting businesses and people today. This means a in depth view of digitalization, automation to purpose driven businesses.

Ever heard about basic income, exponential growth or the singularity? Let’s review everything with future goggles on.

3. Disruption through the ages (Ubers of the stone age and forward)

Did sms revolutionize communication or what impact did the personal computer do?

It doesn't matter if it was the wheel or the Iphone, disruption is as old as us. Let’s look back on innovation and see how some of the most important things were adopted.

What did Guggenheim's book press actually do and how long did it take before every man and women had book in their hand?

4. Success stories and why they made it (Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, Google, Facebook e.t.c)

Now when we looked back and what big paradigms that are in the making right now we can focus on some of the companies that leading innovation today. Why did Uber, Airbnb, Google, Facebook and Amazon make such a huge impact on the world?

What was their secret formula and was it luck?

5. Epic fail stories and why they are gone (Kodak, Nokia, Blockbuster e.t.c.)

For every successful company you have hundreds of failed ones. But some of them failed tremendously. How could giant companies as Kodak, Nokia and Blockbuster go from thousands employees to bankruptcy?

People fail and so does companies but sometimes you know at the exact moment the wrong decision was made.

6.The millennials! Who are they and what do they want?

The millennials are already the majority of the workforce in U.S and the rest of the world. A quickly growing age group that will soon dominate every part of society.

Let’s look and who they are and what they want.

7. The startup Era (Silicon valley, VCs, Incubators, economic perspective & maker community e.t.c)

If you are like me you hear Silicon valley almost everyday. Always something new and even more ridiculously amount of money. Let’s go through every part of it and examine it’s core and the players.

8. How to work in the digital age (Automation, group dynamics, reflection & expectation management)

Now when the landscape is fairly explained we can focus on developing ourselves to doing digital business. Working tomorrow is a still unknown area but some things we now.

Everything is changing and you better be fast to adopt to what’s up. Otherwise you will be that person at the office that still uses the fax machine.

9. How to manage remote work (freelance, skype meetings and frea*** holograms

Working remote is a common thing today. Some do it when their kids are sick and others work full-time totally remote.

What is clear is that working 9–5 at your desk is not the future. Let’s review everything from Skype to Holograms and look on how to integrate that into your work today.

10. User experience (Design thinking, Agile, Lean UX, User research, UI & usability testing)

A big chapter going through all of the above subjects. What are these things and how do you use them?

Ever wondered what a user researcher is and how they work? Or why User Experience is such a hot topic right now?

11. Branding, marketing & communication

Today the landscape of the above is harder then ever. A lot of old truths has gone to sleep to never return. Today branding, marketing and communication is extremely hard in a globally saturated market.

This chapter gives a in depth view on how to do this anno 2016.

12. Driven by Data (Big data, hypothesis, Google analytics, data driven e.t.c.)

Data is the new gold but the data needs to be handled with care. Understanding data is understanding reality. This chapter goes through what data is, how it works and how you can use them?

What is the difference between a SEO specialist and a conversation specialist? Or why should you even bother?

13. Commerce in the digital age (MVP to success, AAARR-model e.t.c.)

Today you can create a web shop within 5 minutes. This took months and thousand of dollars just years ago.

This chapter gives a in-depth view on how you can go and create a small but successful business within weeks. You start small with a MVP and prove it’s feasibility.

14. Leading projects and people in the digital age

The art of leading people in changing fast with the millennials. This chapter gives a in depth view of new ways of leading people both on premise and remote. Time to explain what Slack really is and how Trello actually works.

15. Culture creation & change management

All teams, companies and organizations has culture that always evolves. But bad culture could eat a company from inside and a good culture could create amazing things.

Culture is a competitive advantage that skilled leaders could manage. This chapter gives you a in depth view of culture in it’s digital kontext!

16. Interviews of great peoples view on Digital business

This chapter involves interviews of some successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. What are their stories and what are their tips for you?

17. Interviews from people that F**** up in the digital age

Some people did wrong decisions when going digital. Here stories from Boo.com and Nokia.

